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Meth Sarah - Steps/Leak Your Own Blues i gruppen VINYL / Pop-Rock hos Bengans Skivbutik AB (4314514)

Meth Sarah - Steps/Leak Your Own Blues

489 NOK
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Fakta Sarah Meth presents her new EP ‘Steps’ packaged with last years ‘Leak Your Own Blues’ Presenting a distinct vulnerability and playfulness to the subject matter of sexual trauma, juxtaposing these qualities with exploring the lived experience. STEPS EP is set for release 14th November 2023 via Slow Dance. The EP co produced with Louis O Bryen - member of the London band Sorry, as his debut production role. Following her previous EP ‘Leak Your Own Blues’ and accompanying film & mixtape under the ‘Midnight Snacks’ monkier, Sarah steps out of the blue to face the wind. STEPS is the 23 year old Londoner’s third EP and features six new tracks that recollect her personal experiences of sexual trauma, albeit painted and portrayed with unexpected splashes of colour, character, and Sarah’s ability to own those experiences through her own strength and power.
Artist: Meth Sarah
Enheter i forpakning: 1 st
Label: Slow Dance
Lev. SD109
Leverandør: Border Music
Media: LP
Strekkode: 5070000829630
Utgivelsesdato: 2023-11-14
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